Saturday, December 14, 2013

Why ObamaCare won't work (And what will)

The fiasco that is ObamaCare is proving, once again, that top down government control never works. Why they keep trying to make it work indicates that those at the top haven't got a clue about America, markets, free enterprise or anything else tangible. Rather, they reside in an alternate reality which shares more in common with a faculty lounge on a college campus than with the real world. They fantasize about "Utopia" but the only Utopia I know of is a small town in south Texas. (and it's conservative)

Reality sits at the far end of a very long table from where the leftists are seated. At their end is the make believe and the fantasy. They are armed with hopes and dreams about what might be possible if only everyone would just give up and do everything their way. There in lies the problem.  Their way will ONLY work when everyone else surrenders all their freedoms, rights and choices to the handful in charge. Even then it will eventually fail because citizens are not produced cookie cutter fashion with identical wants, needs and desires. I know it's a shock to the left..... but we're all different. 

And that very quickly beings me to why ObamaCare will not work...... and never had a chance. It is a one size fits all scheme that treats all people exactly the same. It was foisted upon the American people via a massive lie. "If you like your plan...... you can keep it. If you like your doctor you can keep him." Those leading the charge for ObamaCare KNEW that was a lie long before they started giving the speeches and pushing the lie. Why??? Votes! 

Votes = Power and control in Washington DC. This administration has given tangible form to the old saw..... "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."  Liberals KNOW that the people who tend to vote for them share a few traits in common.  No. 1   They are typically not all that well informed about either the issues of the day or reality in general. They watch the big three networks..... they digest sound bites like pizza and beer... and almost never question what they hear.   No. 2   They all tend to believe that America is evil..... it's founding was unjust..... the deck is stacked against them and that the "rich" are taking all their money.  (they are right about that last part but it's the rich liberals in Washington DC doing the taking..... not who they think)  No. 3   In order for everything to be more "fair" the "rich" should be forced to give up their money in order to pay for the things that these people want. Remember the 30 year old co-ed who wanted us to pay for her birth control???

SO! ObamaCare LIES convince a group which rarely, if ever, pays attention.... that their lives will be better if they just elect liberals who will take money from the evil rich and give it to them in the form of FREE health care. Guess what? It worked! Tough to beat Santa Claus in an election. After all.... one party is telling you that they will give you everything you need and take care of you from cradle to grave ........ while the other party is extolling the virtues of hard work, rugged individualism and creating a better life for yourself..... rather than being dependent upon government. 

Now the reality has hit...... and the LIE is being revealed for all to see. ObamaCare mandated that insurance companies include very specific items in their base coverage. Things like birth control, "reproductive services" which is a nebulous way of saying abortion on demand, abortifacient drugs (morning after pills), condoms, mental health counseling and a host of other items. Think of it like buying a car...... what happens to the base price if all the options are included.... rather than optional? Price goes UP because all those "options" cost money to provide. Same with health insurance. 

So the truth about what happened is that.... Yes.... you can keep your plan if you like it....... so long as it wasn't changed by the insurance provider. But guess what..... ObamaCare mandated that your coverage be changed! Thus.... NO! You can't keep it if you like it. That was a LIE to get you to vote Liberal. And enough people bought into the lie to get them elected..... TWICE! Then the weasels who wrote the law tried to escape blame by telling the people..... "Look.... we didn't change your plan.... those evil insurance companies did that..... don't blame us!"  And again they are correct..... they didn't change the plans. They simply gave the insurance companies no option by mandating what they could offer. (Ever notice how when liberal schemes collapse it's never their fault?)

The new reality is that your old insurance plan is illegal to offer to you anymore...... that you HAVE to take what is offered....... that your premiums are going through the roof...... your deductibles will be about equal to your annual income..... cost of medications makes them unaffordable...... and unless government said they could....  your doctor is likely not part of your system. Remember the democrats wagging their fingers at the camera and saying..... "elections have consequences!" (?)  Are they driving home that point to you yet??? This is what happens when you elect people who want to control you...... they do!

The ObamaCare web site is just another example of their inability to do anything right.... and particularly something that should have been left to the private sector.  One would think that with three YEARS and 850 Million Dollars........ the site would at the very least be somewhat stable. Nope! For all that money it was unable to handle a traffic load of 20,000 "customers" an hour! ebay handles that many a minute...... with no problems.... and didn't cost you a dime to build. (The wonders of the private sector when left alone by government.)

Okay..... so WHY does your insurance now cost so much? Why has your deductible gone out of sight? Why do your medications cost 3 or 4 times more than they used to? Very simple...... YOU, the consumer, have been eliminated from the equation. Health care is no longer between you and your doctor. Now health care is between your health care provider and the government. All you are now is a pesky expense to be managed so as to minimize the cost to the government. To do that.... YOU pay more! You pay with your wallet. You pay with "standardized" care. You pay with loss of choice. You may even pay with your life..... if it's not "cost effective" for government to provide care. 

Did you know that in countries like England...... which has government run health care..... the people who can afford it would take "health holiday's" (holiday is their term for vacation) to countries like the United States to have medical procedures done? Rather than deal with all the red tape and uncaring service in their country they would go elsewhere because they could get what they needed for a reasonable cost and in a timely manner. The left always points to Europe as the example we should follow..... so I guess now it's our turn to plan to go somewhere else for our healthcare. 

So what's the answer since it's clearly NOT ObamaCare? Think about it! The intrusion of government into the entire health care system has caused this nightmare...... so the obvious solution is the removal of government from healthcare. Look at it this way...... health care and hotels/motels have both been around since the Greeks ruled the world. And while the cost of both has gone up...... anyone with $50 (sometimes less) can get a nice clean motel room with shower, color TV, DVD player, coffee maker, iron and ironing board, blow dryer, microwave and mini-refrigerator plus king sized bed. 

Why is that? Because the lodging industry is consumer driven. No one in government mandated that a motel provide all those things. Motels do it to compete with other motels for your business and your dollars. They offer what YOU, the consumer, say you want if you are going to do business with them.... and they do it at a price that is competitive enough to earn your business. And while some people are happy with the $50 a night room...... others with deeper pockets might be equally happy to spend $3500 a night.  (Michelle Obama on vacation spending your money, for example) What if the health care business was allowed to operate the exact same way??

Once licensed, an insurance company should be able to sell its product anywhere there is a market for it...... just like Wal-Mart or Sears. And, like those retailers, the cost of their product is free to float according to the market being served. In other words..... the cost of insurance is consumer driven. Likewise insurance companies should be able to offer customers the products they want to buy without being forced to take things which they don't. A woman might want a policy which covers prenatal and other pregnancy care while guys obviously don't need that coverage. Need it or not, under ObamaCare people have to pay for coverage for things which they will never use.

Why is there a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas....... and another of California..... and another for Nebraska? Why not simply Blue Cross Blue Shield? Short answer..... Government interference. Blue Cross of Texas is forbidden by law from selling it's product in any bordering state! All insurance companies live under heavy hand of government..... hell.... everyone does! But there is no such thing as Sears of Texas...... or Wal-Mart of Nebraska....... it's just Sears or Wal-Mart..... period. Insurance coverage is no different than the products other retailers offer with the singular exception that you can't put a box around it or gift wrap it. It's a product offered for sale to customers. 

The difference is that you are making a "bet" with the insurance provider that you WILL need their product..... and they are "betting" that you won't. Sometimes they win the bet..... most of the time in fact. But sometimes they don't and have to pay what they promised. How they pay for your medical expenses is from that pool of money for all the times they won the bet and didn't have to pay out. Health insurance is for the average person of typical means. 

There is also self-insurance. That is for those who have the means to pay as they go. Take Barack Obama, for example. He's worth over 10 Million dollars. If he gets sick he can go to any hospital in the world and just write them a check to pay for the services provided. His net worth and ability to pay IS his insurance. Nothing wrong with that at all. There wasn't, until ObamaCare, any law that said you had to have insurance. Now there is so even Bill Gates HAS to sign up for a product he, and his family, obviously don't need and will probably never use. They will fly somewhere else where they don't have to mess with the system.

Think about this one simple fact. When this debacle got started the left said we HAD to have ObamaCare because there were 30 million people in America who were either uninsured or under-insured. Now that number is over 100 million and climbing as insurance companies comply with the new law and cancel policies which do not meet the mandates of ObamaCare. The law has almost destroyed the insurance industry..... it's reeking havoc with the medical profession..... and sending the cost of drugs into the stratosphere. And let's not forget the expenditure of 850 MILLION of OUR dollars on a web site that still doesn't work! (translation.... it has done nothing good!) What would it have cost to simply buy insurance for those 30 million? Much less..... but then the government would loose their control over you. Can't have that. 

The other really bad thing about ObamaCare is that it WILL (unless repealed or de-funded) morph into a true single payer system. (with that single payer being government) Once that is in place we are all 100% screwed.  Why? I've explained that before..... but to recap..... once the government is paying for your health care.... THEY get to totally control you. That's because they can then claim that anything you do has the potential to negatively affect your health..... and since they are paying for your care......THEY can dictate what you can and can't do...... what you can and can't eat..... that you must run two miles a day...... eat broccoli..... not engage in a risky behavior like skiing or skateboarding..... and anything else THEY think you should or shouldn't do. Is that the kind of life YOU want to live? 

A better question..... it that the America you want to leave to your children?  Remember the words of the liberals..... Elections have consequences. Don't vote for people who think you are too stupid to be in control of your own life. You can choose to be informed and aware..... or you can be a liberal. The first takes effort.... the second is gutless........ one hard.... one simple. Your choice.

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