Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Please watch your step

You can sure tell when liberals gather en-mass. After the inauguration of B. Hussein Obama our nations capitol looked like a combination landfill and sewage pit. Trash up and down the mall as far as the eye could see and hundreds of "port-o-potty's" turned over on the lawn. Wonderful folks these democrats! Just think... we've got to put up with more of this type of behaviour for the next 4 years ... minimum! (Oh JOY!)
Yes... those wonderful people, who have been telling us for the past 8 years that conservatives don't care about the environment and want to pollute our country and the world, demonstrated to everyone how much better they are are caring for the planet.... didn't they. Day one of Liberal Run America and their first two official acts of dignity and concern are to mock the outgoing President and trash the nations capitol. Day two began with making it easier to access the records of the outgoing President and commit to closing Guantanamo bay.
For the record... in spite of the fact that the Clinton administration trashed the offices in the White House and the adjacent office building... and was guilty of all sorts of misdeeds... incoming President Bush toughened the FOIA requirements to make it more difficult for the media (or someone actually concerned) to put Clinton under a microscope. This is known as protecting the Office of the President. Obama has just weakened that position... presumably so President Bush can be hounded for years by all the "second guessers" and members of Congress who now want to "get even" with Bush for having been elected not once... but twice!
In another act of raw naked power Nancy Pelosi has quickly moved to eliminate the "motion to recommit" from Congress. This has been in place for nearly 100 years and was put in place to keep the majority party from running roughshod over the minority party. Miss Pelosi gladly supported this procedure when Democrats were the minority... but NOW that arcane rule has to go.
The motion to recommit is used by the minority party to have questionable legislation sent back to committee for reconsideration. This is helpful when an innocent looking bill is loaded up with pork or has something sneaky tucked away inside. Without this rule anything the Democrats want to do will just be rammed down our throats. (OH! Pardon me... I shouldn't have used naked and Nancy Pelosi in the same sentence... bad mental image... sorry)
Expect also to see the misnamed "fairness doctrine" to quickly come up for a vote too. Liberals and Democrats (same thing) cannot STAND criticism of ANY kind! How can anyone criticise perfection? In their own minds Liberals NEVER make mistakes and, therefore, should NEVER have to listen to criticism. To make sure that they don't.... and also to ensure that only THEIR point of view is advanced... they must silence the opposition. (See the communist manifesto) Basically... in order to control the masses one must have absolute control over the media. This ensures that only that information you want promulgated gets out... and in the most favorable light.
Look for the attempt at another change too. Back on March 21, 1947, the 22nd amendment to the Constitution was ratified by Congress. That is the amendment that limits the President to two terms. Now that the democrats think they have the possibility of generational control over the power in Washington D.C. they'd like nothing more than to ensure their new President can stay in office as long as possible. Not beyond the realm of possibility is the invocation of Marshall Law or other concocted "emergency" to circumvent the law if they don't get their way on this one.
Since the media is totally in the tank for the Liberals don't expect to see any coverage of these power grabs. They will be ignored or spiked in the editorial meeting long before the possibility of seeing the light of day. Also missing will be coverage of the reinstatement of the offshore drilling ban which President Bush cancelled. (The result of which was the instant drop in the price for a barrel of oil.) Liberals want the cost of fuel to remain high so they can force lawn mowers with seats on them down our throats as "cars". They don't now and never have trusted the free market system. Come to think of it.... they hate anything that contains the term "free."
On the bright side.... this can be a case of "what goes around comes around." (Provided the Republicans can manage to grow a big hairy pair in the very new future.) Eventually they will come back into power again. When they do the Liberals will, no doubt, bitch, moan and whine about how they don't have any power now. Simply point back at this point in history and inform the left.... YOU passed all these laws..... now you LIVE under them... just like you made us do. In other words.... SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!

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