Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ready for the big change?

It seems that change is just around the corner now. President Bush will be giving his farewell address Thursday evening then graciously introducing his successor. ( a far cry from how slick willie left, huh? ) I'm reasonably sure that White House offices won't be trashed, equipment vandalized or items stolen either.
President Obama has promised change... but if you've been paying attention lately I'm sure you've noticed the big O back peddling faster than a bicyclist heading for a cliff. Why is that you might ask if you have a brain. (Obama voters are exempted here) Well the answer is quite simple really. It's far easier to "run the country" as long as you're not the President. It's easy to say what you're going to do and how the guy in the big chair is screwing things up... but far more difficult once that mantle of leadership has been draped over your shoulders.
Mr. Obama isn't even in office yet and he has already back tracked on nearly every campaign promise he made. Club "Gitmo" was going to be shut down said O. Yep! That horrible place of mistreatment and torture was history as soon as O took office. Well... since winning the race O has become privy to information classified as Presidential "need to know". Guess what? There are bad people down there! Might be prudent to leave that place open while he figures out and option.
All those massive tax increases... well... they may have to be delayed. Kill the coal industry? Gonna have to examine that in greater detail. The death tax will stay on the books though. It was due to expire but the ruling democrats in congress decided they couldn't do without the money. (Hint... government can NEVER do with less money!) One thing that changed yet stayed the same is the administration. It seems that the entire Clinton machine has been resurrected. It's like watching re-runs of "Night of the living dead" only this is a LOT more scary! The folks in the movie don't have the power to ruin your life.... these zombies do.
Of course these recycled liberals are already touting how they will do everything much smarter than that bumbling fool, Bush. (See above where I mention that it's easy to govern when you're not actually governing) This is about to be that "rubber meets the road" part of the new administration. However don't expect to see any failures. The left wing media will be obfuscating, covering up and just plain ignoring anything that even hints of failure of any kind. To be sure... no matter WHAT happens Obama will walk on water and carry his own pond for demonstrational purposes. The media will ensure that he doesn't look bad. They made him... they will defend him to the bitter end.
There is a lesson to be learned from this though. Elections have consequences. The poorly informed of the left managed to get to the poles in larger numbers than the right. This was mostly because the media had also nominated OUR candidate and we were not all that pleased with their choice. (Although Sarah damn neared pulled his butt out of the ash heap) This means that there is hope for the future.
While the left is attempting to bring FDR back from the dead through Obama they are constantly telling us that the era of Reagan is over. You might ask yourself why they fear even the memory of Reagan so much? Because President Reagan represents all the greatness of America and all the good it can achieve in the world. The left believes that we don't deserve our place in the world and don't think the average American is smart enough to dress himself/herself in the morning without their oversight.
Only THEY are smart enough to know what is good for us. That's called socialism and it's the first step on the road to communism. Check your history books.... providing you can find one not filled with the revisionist claptrap of the leftists. Neither socialism nor communism foster individual pride or exceptionalism. They are the road to the blandness of and loss of self. Both fail every time they are forced upon the masses. America is the result of a failed socialist experiment. The first colony on these shores was established as a socialist experiment. After three years of abject failure it was abandoned in favor of capitalism... which works every time it's tried. (Provided the government largely keeps it's damn nose out of things and permits it to work.)
Still we may have reached a tipping point in the evolution of this grand experiment in freedom called America. That point is a direct result of FDR and all his socialist efforts. You see once a majority of the population becomes dependant upon the government then it's highly unlikely to ever reverse course. Why? Because if you have the power to vote yourself tax breaks and government benefits why would you not do that? (look at congress and their ability to give themselves pay raises any time they want one) Already about 45% of the population pays NO federal taxes yet benefits from the efforts of those who do. Once that number reaches 51% we're all doomed. The left has been largely successful at destroying capitalism and the spirit of rugged individualism upon which this nation grew. They control the entire educational system and use that to indoctrinate the next generations in liberalism. They control 90% of the media and will attempt to cement that control via the misnamed "Fairness doctrine" in the near future.
While the left hopes for a generational hold on Washington they can be unseated. Back in 1994 they were soundly defeated and that can happen again. If it does we must learn from the mistakes of the past. We cannot forget the cornerstones of the Reagan era. We abandon conservatism at our own peril as is evident by this past election. McCain ran the race the media and the moderates told him to run. How'd that turn out? Does it ever make sense to take advice from those who wish you defeated? Yet time and time again the republicans do just that in a hopeless attempt to be liked by the left. Learn the damn lesson! The left are NOT our friends and they do NOT wish us well. Look at how they govern when they have the power and copy that when we do.
After the 1994 victory the loosing left whined that they were being left out and it wasn't fair. What did our side do? Made rule changes that allowed minority leadership of committees and other power sharing compromises. We won but decided to share power with the losers. The new speaker of the House, Nancy (one too many face lift) Polosi, has just rescinded all those rule changes so as to totally lock out the new minority. THAT is the thanks you get for playing fair with liberals. Republicans.... remember that. If you ever get power back and they whine... kindly remind them of exactly WHO eliminated fairness and stick to your guns.

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